Friday, January 11, 2013

is my dog spoiled?
he is begging for some of what i'm having
and due to not going to the store i'm having
toast, honey and brie

my golden thinks he's part of the upper dog class

Thursday, January 10, 2013

this is absolutely stupid
and also the result of people looking for a special deal
and getting it
a flat tax with no deductions would help
but then you couldn't pay off your 'friends"

tax code longer than bible
the new york nanny strikes again
bet he would get the pain killers needed to stop hurting

bloomy to get nyc hospitals to restrict pain meds
remember it's for your own good

Sunday, December 23, 2012

second in the regular season and
CHAMPION after the playoffs

The top seed got eliminated last week and boy am i glad-

Feels good to win one of these fantasy football leagues

Thursday, December 20, 2012

have you ever wondered why folks who want to ban violent games and movies and TV shows
never seem to think that it's censorship??